Monday, November 21, 2016

A Giveaway/Congratulations Chloe/A Visit//Beth's Birthday/Thanksgiving Decorations

This a random post filling you in on all the exciting things that have happened lately! I hope you enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

First my sister Grace is having a givaway for the book FOR JESUS SAKE BY Sarah E. Ladd! (My sister๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰)

Image result for for jesus sake by sarah ladd

"For Jesus Sake is a story that follows a young man's journey to discover what it means to truly forgive and even love in the face of death and hatred itself. Jared Jeremiah is the son of a martyred missionary who finds out who killed his father after rescuing the murderer himself from committing suicide. 
Leaving the mission field in Columbia after his discovering he must find a way to live in true happiness in spite of the tragedies that seem to follow his life like a bad dream. 
The book follows the young man as he discovers that true freedom is found when he is forced to let of of what he believes to be a justified hate, when he allows love to consume and bind him, and when he forsakes his independence and leans on God's loving arm."

Just comment below telling me your name and that you want to enter! 


My sister Chloe passed a very important test today! Congratulations to her!!

Image result for congratulations

Two very good friends of ours came down, Alisha and Sydney! They surprised my sister Beth for her birthday! It was epic! They arrived the day before her 18th birthday! 
My sister Sarah and her husband Ben lives about five minutes away so they had Beth, Chloe, and Samuel go over there for a movie night. Sarah knew they were coming so she was going to keep them there until they got here! 
My mom, my Dad, Grace, and me are the only ones besides Sarah that knew they were coming so it was great when they pulled in and my two little brothers saw them! You know what I am going to tell you that story!
My brother's and I play a game where one of us is blind-folded and we try to catch one another, so I blind-folded both of them this time! They pulled in the driveway and my brother's asked who it was, we just told them it was daddy! Then we said "hey you come find daddy with the blind-folds on! They did, they got right in front of them and we told them take the blind-folds off now! You should have seen their faces! Noah said "AM I DREAMING?!" It was epic! 
Okay now how they surprised the ones that were at Sarah and Ben's house!
They climbed in a huge box, (we had it wrapped) one Sydney made a "meow", (my dad is always making cute little remarks before we open gifts so he made the "Q" for them to jump out) he said "it might be a bear" and there they came, they jumped out of the box! You should have seen their faces! It was epic!
There were a lot of hugs! 

Here is the video!

Beth's birthday was the next day! That was great Ali, Sydney, Grace, Chloe, Beth, Samuel, and I all went to the theaters and watched PRICELESS!!!! We all painted the red "X" on our hands, wore our "Respect and Honor" bracelets from FOR KING & COUNTRY!
Here is a picture of us! 

Here are some pictures of Beth on her birthday!

I decorated for Thanksgiving a few days ago! That was fun!! 

Here are some pictures of that!!

(I'm sorry about the photo quality๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฅ)

Okay I think that that's all for this post.

I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to enter the giveaway!


  1. Looks like ya'll had fun! The pictures are great!

  2. we had such a fun time with our friends!! you did good on the pic's! and thank you for the congratulations!!
    Is.53:5, #UNASHAMED,

  3. Thanks for decorating!!!!

  4. I loved this post, so neat and cool! I loved all the pictures!! Your decorations are neat!


random photography

Hello. I am starting this post off by (again) saying I am sorry for not posting on here much. But I hope to be posting more in the future. ...